Nature Reflections 2016 – Earth Vision 2017
The only sane thing to do as I reflect on 2016 and set my intentions for 2017 was to hike for a very long time in Florida’s Wildness.
Honoring her Scrub that will soon become privatized and developed — and her Water which is being comprised on a level unimaginable just a year ago. People all over the world are turning to Gia for strength and courage as this New Year brings promises of set backs and challenges for those who have spoken out for Nature for so long.
As I mourn this aspect, I am filled with gratitude for what is happening in my life. What a paradox. This year proved beyond my intentions and dreams. The new guides for ION, Steve and Kim Schramek, have taken my vision from 1996 and moved into the present moment of necessity.
Those who have fought for social and environmental responsibility may find it tempting to shrug that it has become impossible or improbable. Steve and Kim are staring that notion down and rising to the challenge of making a difference. I never imagined I would hand my beloved ION reins to such strong, determined hands that are joined together in a partnership of two spirits. They inspire me every day.
And they have allowed me to pursue my next intention and dream of creating a sustainable homestead in Panama that extends into a remarkable global community. A challenge that nudges Hunter and I to grow every single day. These past months we have worked from the basics of microbes in the soil to sourcing our homestead needs close to home. All of which has given us the slow, rich process of getting to know the land and her people. Another unimaginable thread in this life that fills me with gratitude.
What are my intentions for 2017? Hunter and I found a caretaker for our Florida Sandhill Farm. Our wings are ready to soar into our new adventure. For many, I have given visual updates of this journey on my Facebook Page. I will now shift to updating my blog every two weeks and my Instagram every week under Lichen Luna.
The journey is inward and outward for me. I share it because I have always been fulfilled by sharing. The Nature Walks and Paddles allowed me to share nature and historical insights. GWEN shared the thread of Florida Nature in famous women’s lives. ION and Healthy-Wear for People Who Care shared knowledge of quality products and companies who make a difference. So my “retirement” from using my work life to share my passions has birthed into sharing my life with you. I don’t expect it to inspire anyone, but I do hope it encourages your dreams.