It's Our Nature® To Have A Vision...

A vision to connect the wellness of oneself to the health of the Earth and all her creatures. A vision to move in the Rhythm of Nature. A vision to choose experiences and products that respect our Earth and our global community.

The It's Our Nature® Promise...

It’s Our Nature® promotes products and outdoor experiences that connect our health with the health of the earth. Healthy-Wear for People Who Care® reflects a wide selection of products screened for social and environmental responsibility. Moving in the Rhythm of Nature encourages movement in our natural world.

Our Products...


Products are made with “chemical-free” fiber

When fabric has a color, it is either the color of the fiber ‘foxfibre’ (brown or green) or non-toxic dye

The labor to create the product is fair; no sweatshops!

Minimal or No packaging

Customer satisfaction and education is our goal!


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